My name is Ivan, I'm 20 years old, live in Croatia and drive megane 1 phase 2 1.4e berlina.
I'm currently trying to figure out how to get more power from the e7j, and i'm thinking of installing k7m intake manifold (1.6 8v from coach) and aftermarket full exhaust).
If you have some advices for E7J feel free to help

P.S. my brother has megane coupe 2.0 16v tuned with lightened flywheel, cams, exhaust, head, remap; it hasen't been dynoed yet, but stock with exhaust it produced 150 whp.
here are some videos with it. It's faster than S3 mk1, honda civic type r FN2 and some other tuned cars ... e=58336DF2
1.8 16v (also his, currently in the process of building with 172 engine) and megane ... e=583255D5 ... 6057_o.jpg ... ture=share